What Is a Gunite Swimming Pool?

Gunite Swimming Pool

When the temperatures rise in the Texas summer, a gorgeous blue swimming pool can be the perfect refresher. A pool is an endless source of fun, relaxation, and coolness in the summer, and it brings a wow factor to your home. If you’re seriously thinking about getting your own pool, we’ve got some information that can help you make one of the biggest decisions about your pool. 

Are you familiar with different pool materials? Not all pools are made the same way, and the construction process is extremely important. Of all the materials that can be used to construct a pool, the one our pool experts recommend is gunite. When you learn about gunite and what it does for a pool, you’ll understand why this is the material of choice. 

The Essence of Gunite

Gunite is essentially a type of concrete — a mixture of sand, cement, and water — but it differs from “traditional” concrete in a few distinct ways. For one thing, concrete typically contains both fine and large particles, but gunite only contains fine particles in its mix. Gunite is also sprayed instead of poured. It’s loaded in as a dry mix that mixes with water when it’s sprayed. This method helps to compact the material more than the traditional pouring method.

The Basics of a Gunite Pool

The gunite base of a pool is reinforced with a rebar framework. This helps to add strength and stability to the pool. Since gunite is mixed on-site (rather than premixed like other forms of concrete), it requires a skilled professional to ensure that it’s applied correctly. Once the gunite has fully cured, an interior finish will be applied. The most common options for a gunite pool interior finish include plaster, aggregates, and tile. 

Benefits of Choosing Gunite for Your Pool

Gunite has a lot to offer in pool construction. Aside from being pretty much the strongest type of pool you can get, it has several major benefits, many of which stem from the strength of the material. For instance, gunite can handle very large volumes of water and endure heavy water pressure with no issue. It means that gunite pools can be a lot bigger than pools made from other materials.

Gunite is also highly adaptable and can be formed into just about any shape. This means you have more options for your pool shape than just oval or rectangular. 

Gunite also supports more water features. Some features add too much weight, pressure, or complexity for other pool materials. Gunite shrugs off those concerns. You can have waterfalls, grottos, wet bars, or whatever else you want. 

Furthermore, gunite does well with temperature changes and variable forces. It is possibly the most reliable permanent pool structure and will need fewer repairs than pretty much any other material. However, it is important to be aware that North Texas has shifting clay soils that are prone to expansion and contraction. This means that any pool structure — including gunite — is prone to damage over time, just like the foundation of your house is. 

Choosing the Right Pool

A pool is a major investment. You want to be sure that you’ll love what you choose. Take the time to do your homework. Talk to the experts. Understand your options. Putting in this effort makes it a lot easier to get the perfect pool that you can enjoy for many years.If you’re looking for a professional team to maintain, remodel, or repair your new pool, reach out to the team at Select Pool Services. We serve homeowners throughout the North Dallas area. Contact Select Pool Services online or call us at 214-755-7665 today!

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"My husband and I have had the privilege of working with Earl Neal for approximately 30 years... as long as we own a pool, we will always be associated with Earl Neal."

Mr. & Mrs. W, Bent Tree

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