What Should Everyone Know About Owning a Swimming Pool?

Everyone Know About Owning a Swimming Pool

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own pool? The freedom of it sounds amazing. You don’t have to go to a public pool or gym just to get in the water. You don’t have to deal with locker room smells or wonder how many strangers have done gross things to that water. Instead, it’s all yours.

It’s a beautiful dream, and everyone who doesn’t have a pool thinks about it at times. Owning a pool can be one of the most rewarding experiences imaginable, but as with most dreams, there are important truths that don’t always fit into the fantasy. If you’re really thinking about getting a pool, there are some things you should know first.

1. Pools Require Regular Upkeep

Let’s start with an obvious — but still, often overlooked — truth. Pools require work. If you ignore that work, your pool will get dirty, and it may even become unsafe to swim in. The pool has to be maintained. You have to keep chemical levels properly maintained. You need to do regular cleaning like brushing and vacuuming. The filtration system has its own routine maintenance schedule. All of it is necessary.

Of course, you can take a lot of the work out of this process by hiring a maintenance person or crew to handle it all for you. That certainly makes things easier, and you can expect great results. Regardless of how you go about it, your pool needs regular care, and it’s important to think about that before you break ground.

2. They Affect Your Insurance

When you get a pool, you should talk to your homeowner’s insurance provider. They’re going to want to make sure you’re covered for liability related to the new pool. It’s not so much about protecting you from the pool. You know what you’re getting into, and you aren’t going to sue yourself.

Instead, your coverage needs to be updated to ensure you have liability protection from other people who use your pool. Talking to your insurance provider may not be the most fun way to spend a day, but it’s an important conversation.

3. They Raise the Value of Your Home

Not everything you need to know about owning a pool is negative. There are huge benefits to having a pool, which is why so many people do. Most people think about enjoyment when they invest in a pool, but there is a financial side to the story as well.

Pools typically raise property values. No one can give you an exact number for how much you’ll get out of your pool. That depends on constantly changing market conditions. But when all other things are equal, a house with a pool will sell faster and for more money than a house without a pool. That’s been true for many decades, and it’s unlikely to change.

Your pool isn’t just a way for you to enjoy your home more. It really is an investment that generates value.

4. Most Consider Pools to Be Totally Worth It

Pool construction is a major undertaking. You have to learn a lot of new things and get through the paperwork. You have to consider property value and filtration systems and even liability. It’s enough that it can feel like you took on too much at times, but when the pool is there and you’re fully enjoying it, you’ll likely be glad that you put in the effort.

Few things can add entertainment value to a house like a pool. You’ll spend countless hours in the water, and it makes entire seasons more pleasant. Pools are also incredible for fitness. Even if you’re just splashing around for a good time, you’ll get exercise every time you’re in the water. Pools also open up fitness options that you may not have considered before. Really, they open up a whole new world for you, and you’ll be grateful for your pool for many years — even when you’re vacuuming it.

The pool construction market is under strain right now with so many homeowners installing them and limited materials availability. Also, you will need a design in order to build your pool the way you envision. Select Pool Services can point you to a couple of design firms who can kick off the process of building a pool. If you have a pool and you need help with pool equipment or remodeling in North Dallas, Select Pool Services can help. We can also offer you some helpful advice regarding your pool. Contact us today to learn more.

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"My husband and I have had the privilege of working with Earl Neal for approximately 30 years... as long as we own a pool, we will always be associated with Earl Neal."

Mr. & Mrs. W, Bent Tree

"During the last thirty years Earl Neal has either constructed, remodeled or repaired swimming pools for us. We found him to be competent, dependable and a man of integrity. Earl is the one we will always call for any pool service."

Mr. & Mrs. B, Glen Lakes

“We enthusiastically recommend Earl and his team to anyone doing pool renovations… the completed project is of the highest quality… we couldn’t be more pleased!”

Mrs. G, Highland Park

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